National Communication Session "Heritage and Education in Art Museums"

National Communication Session "Heritage and Education in Art Museums"

In the municipality of Tulcea


Strada Grigore Antipa 2, Tulcea 820017, Romania

Dates and Hours:

Thursday, 10th October 2024 - Friday, 11th October 2024
09:00 - 14:00


The work of specialists from 16 cultural institutions and 153 artists, exhibited in the Tulcea Art Museum, on October 10 and 11, 2024

On Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11, the ground floor of the Tulcea Art Museum will be the scene of two landmark events: the eighth edition of the National Communications Session "Heritage and Education in Art Museums" and the official opening of the "Constantin Găvenea" Tulcea 2024.

The Eco-Museum Research Institute "Gavrilă Simion" Tulcea, in partnership with the Regional Development Association "Aegyssus", organizes at the Tulcea Art Museum, on October 10-11, 2024, the eighth edition of the National Communication Session "Heritage and Education in Art Museums". For this year's edition, 24 specialists, representing 16 institutions of culture, education and research from Romania, signed up with presentations.

The opening of the communications session will take place on Thursday, October 10 at 09:30, at the museum headquarters in Str. Grigore Antipa no. 2.

On Friday, October 11, 2024, starting at 2:30 p.m., the opening of the "Constantin Găvenea" Tulcea 2024 Graphic Biennale-competition will take place at the Tulcea Art Museum. The Graphics Biennale is a project carried out by the Eco-Museum Research Institute "Gavrilă Simion" Tulcea together with the George Georgescu Tulcea Arts High School and financed by the Tulcea County Council. The exhibition includes 153 graphic works made by 153 artists from the country and abroad.

"The desire of artists, young students or those already established in the artistic space to participate in the exhibition project of the "Constantin Găvenea" Biennale of Graphics is gratifying and honors us, especially from the perspective of the fact that it offers us, through the exhibited works, a window towards what the visual arts mean today. The evolution of techniques, themes, and artistic vision is part of our constant concerns, as specialists employed in an art museum", stated museographer Alice-Georgiana Fănaru, curator of the exhibition and coordinator of the communications session.

The closing of the exhibition and the award will take place on November 14, 2024, at the headquarters of the Tulcea Art Museum, str. Grigore Antipa no. 2. Prizes totaling 10,000 lei will be awarded, as follows:

First prize – 3,000 lei
Second prize – 2,000 lei
Third prize – 1,500 lei
Mention I, II, III - 500 lei each
Special prize of the organizers - 1,000 lei
The jury's special prize – 1,000 lei

The judging of the works will take place between October 14 and 31, 2024 and will be carried out by a jury made up of plastic artists and art critics.