The Ukrainian Chuch
Places of worship
Ukrainians from Tulcea are mainly the descendants of the old Cossacks who saw their homeland, Zaporozhian Sicia, abolished in 1775 and tried to restore it in 1813 in the Danube area (Transdanubian Sicia).
The church with the "Change in the Face", also known as the Ukrainian Church, as it was built between 1872-1882 by the Russians (Ukrainians) who had their slum here, on the site of an older little church, from 1833. The old house, left awkwardly nearby , at the intersection of Mici street and Păcii street, is the Parish House of the Russian Church, built in 1940-1941.
The church with the "Change in the Face", also known as the Ukrainian Church, as it was built between 1872-1882 by the Russians (Ukrainians) who had their slum here, on the site of an older little church, from 1833. The old house, left awkwardly nearby , at the intersection of Mici street and Păcii street, is the Parish House of the Russian Church, built in 1940-1941.