Paleo-Christian Basilica from Niculițel

Paleo-Christian Basilica from Niculițel


See schedule


DJ229C 43, Niculițel 827165, Romania


Located in the north-eastern part of the village of Niculițel, on Muzeului street, no. 1, the monument consists of a basilica built at the end of the 4th century, during the reign of the emperors Valens and Valentinianus. At the beginning of the 5th century, during the reign of Emperor Theodosius II, it underwent important changes, both horizontally and vertically.

In the central area of ​​the apse, under the floor of the altar, there is a monumental martyr's crypt. Completely buried, the tiered construction of the crypt allowed the accommodation of two groups of martyrs: a group of four, in the upper part of the martyrion, and a group of two in the lower level. The skeletons of the four martyrs were in a collective coffin, in anatomical connection, highlighting a primary burial. The quality of Christian martyrs and their names: Zotikos, Attalos, Kamasi(o)s and Philippos are inscribed in the crude plaster of the crypt walls. They are known in the Martyr Acts as being martyred at Noviodunum (Isaccea), on June 4.

The crypt was built for them towards the end of the 4th century. The osteological remains discovered in the lower part of the crypt come from an older martyr's tomb, dismantled during the construction of the monumental crypt. The names and age of the two martyrs remain unknown, the only mention of them being made by the inscription that blocked access to the lower area of ​​the crypt: "Here and beyond (is located) the blood of the martyrs".

This place can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday between 10:00 and 18:00. The visit fee is 10 lei/adult and 5 lei/pupil/student/pensioner. The paleo-Christian basilica in Niculițel is an unmissable attraction in this itinerary.

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