Casa cu Prăvălie
Historic buildings and places
The building on Progresului str. (formerly Sf. Nicolae str., at no. 14, corner with Ștefan cel Mare str., at no. 4), which was located at the beginning of the century 20th in the ownership of Haim and David Feimblat, it was intended for housing on the first floor and commercial space on the ground floor, an organization preserved even after nationalization. The stores "La Brăileanul" and S.A. operated here over time. The sole - for shoes, "La Rampa Podgorenilor" - for drinks, the mixed trade of the OCL, but also the workshops of the Unirea Cooperative.
Source of information and photos: https://mistereledunarii.wordpress.com/2016/07/26/casa-fantomelor-de-spioni/
Source of information and photos: https://mistereledunarii.wordpress.com/2016/07/26/casa-fantomelor-de-spioni/