Theater: Paracliser
In the municipality of Tulcea
Dates And Hours:
Marin Sorescu speaks, on our behalf with God!
An hour of Mystery, a leap into Mystery, a moment of Poetry, to illuminate the meaning of our choice to BE!
"God, how beautifully Sorescu writes and how deeply Claudiu Bleonț understood him!"
The character seems to need the actor Claudiu Bleonț just as the actor Claudiu Bleonț needs the character of the Paracliser.
The first takes an entire spiritual edifice on his shoulders. The other bears the cross of an exhausting dramatic construction."
Marin Sorescu speaks, on our behalf with God!
An hour of Mystery, a leap into Mystery, a moment of Poetry, to illuminate the meaning of our choice to BE!
"God, how beautifully Sorescu writes and how deeply Claudiu Bleonț understood him!"
The character seems to need the actor Claudiu Bleonț just as the actor Claudiu Bleonț needs the character of the Paracliser.
The first takes an entire spiritual edifice on his shoulders. The other bears the cross of an exhausting dramatic construction."